Numerous licensed and some free of charge script-driven apps have encoded code, which isn't human readable. The concept behind this is to avoid the reverse engineering as well as the unauthorized usage of such apps. One of the most popular encryption instruments used for this purpose is called Zend Guard and it's used widely as it can be used to modify any PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 code. The only method for the protected files to work effectively on a web server afterwards is if another instrument called Zend Optimizer is there. In the event that you want to employ any kind of paid web software that needs Zend Optimizer, you should make sure that it's installed on the server where you'll host your website. In addition, websites which need the instrument generally perform better as their code is already precompiled and optimized, and therefore it is executed quicker.
Zend Optimizer in Cloud Hosting
When you obtain a Linux cloud hosting package through us, you have the option to select the PHP version, which will be active for your account based on what your script apps require. You will be able to activate Zend Optimizer with a single click in the Advanced section of the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel for all of the releases that we offer - 4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. When you go to this area, you can employ a small tool that will allow you to control the php.ini file for your account and activate or deactivate PHP extensions using On and Off buttons, therefore you won't need any kind of previous knowledge as activating Zend Optimizer will be as easy as clicking a button. More advanced users can do the same by placing a php.ini file with the needed code in a particular domain folder. In case you need any help to activate the tool, you can contact our tech support team anytime.
Zend Optimizer in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We have installed Zend Optimizer on all of the servers that are part of our revolutionary cloud website hosting platform and considering that all semi-dedicated server accounts are created on it, you'll be able to enable and employ Zend for any kind of script application that you wish to use with just a click. In addition, you can choose the PHP release which will be active for your account, thus if you switch to some other release, you just need to go to the Advanced section of your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and click on the On button for Zend Optimizer - it is as easy as that. If you switch the version back, Zend will already be active. More tech-savvy users will also have the opportunity to set the PHP version and to activate Zend Optimizer only for a single website by placing a php.ini file with the needed code in the corresponding domain folder.