Node.js is an advanced, event-driven I/O system used for websites that offer live interaction. A few instances of such websites are online browser-based game portals, live chat rooms or hotel booking portals. Node.js processes the info exchanged between the site and its users in tiny bits, which accelerates the loading speed and the performance of the site considerably. If some form with 3 boxes is expected to be filled by a specific user, for example, ordinarily all three boxes should be filled and the whole content is then delivered as one giant hunk of information to the web server. With Node.js, the content in the first box is processed the second it is entered, before the user types anything in the second box. In this way, much more info can be handled much faster and more efficiently as opposed to any traditional platform, which can exert a significant influence on the performance of the site. Node.js is already being used by many of the largest IT companies such as Microsoft and Yahoo.
Node.js in Cloud Hosting
When you host an Internet application on our cutting-edge cloud platform and you want to try Node.js, you’ll be able to add it to your web hosting account irrespective of the cloud hosting package that you’re using. You can make this via the Upgrades menu in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you will be able to use Node.js in no more than a few minutes after you add this feature to the account. You’ll be able to choose the number of instances that you would like to add to the account – one instance means that one app will be using Node.js. In the new section that will appear in the Control Panel, you can include the path to the .js file in your hosting account and select if the file in question will be reachable via the shared IP of the physical server or via a dedicated one. Our platform will also assign a port for the connection. You will be able to switch off or to reboot each instance separately, if it’s needed.
Node.js in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All our Linux semi-dedicated packages come with Node.js, so if you would like to host any real-time application on our avant-garde cloud website hosting platform, you will be able to make use of the power that the system can give you with only several clicks of the mouse in your Hepsia Control Panel. The feature is upgradeable, so in case you’d like to use Node.js for multiple websites, you’ll be able to pick the amount of running instances, one instance being one app. Using Hepsia’s simple-to-use GUI, you will need to insert the location of the .js file for each instance and to choose if Node.js will use a dedicated IP address or the physical server’s shared IP. Our platform will allocate a randomly generated port to access your application and you’ll see it in the corresponding section of the Control Panel. The Hepsia Control Panel will also allow you to see the output of any of your apps or to cancel/restart each instance separately.
Node.js in VPS
Node.js comes bundled with all Hepsia Control Panel-managed Linux VPS packages offered by our company and you can activate it without needing to deal with any problem, even if you haven’t worked with it beforehand, because Hepsia has a simple-to-use, point & click graphical interface, which will permit you to do anything with no effort. The Node.js platform can be used for as many software apps as you like, so you can get the most out of your sites by combining the power of our VPS servers with the performance offered by Node.js. You will have to indicate the location of the .js file within your VPS account and to select if it will use a dedicated IP or your virtual server’s shared IP and you’ll be all set. Accessing the file will be possible using a port number that our system will assign randomly when you activate a new Node.js instance. Hepsia will grant you complete control over all Node.js instances and, with just one mouse click, you will be able to start, to terminate or to restart them, as well as to see the output of each application that uses the platform.
Node.js in Dedicated Hosting
When you decide to buy one of our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages for your script-powered web applications and if you pick the Hepsia Control Panel during the order process, you will be able to use Node.js at no extra charge, since the event-driven platform is incorporated into our in-house built Control Panel tool. Since our servers are unbelievably powerful, you’ll get excellent performance even if you manage numerous Node.js instances simultaneously. The setup takes several clicks of the mouse and Hepsia’s GUI will make it quite easy for you to set up a new instance even if you have little or no prior experience. Specifying the .js file path and selecting a dedicated or a shared IP will be everything that you’ll have to do yourself and once our system has specified a port to access that file, you will be all set. Any of the instances that you’ve created can be restarted or deleted separately and you will be given access to an elaborate output log for each application that uses the Node.js platform.