Hepsia is our own, in-house built hosting CP. That fact offers us more control and permits us to incorporate custom functions without difficulty rather than relying on a third-party company. Hepsia provides loads of features and is easy for novices to use, but delivers enough advanced functions, which will be appreciated by the more tech-savvy users as well. You can quickly set up and handle an email address, a MySQL database or an FTP account, install a script app with a 1-click installer, generate an .htaccess file for various purposes, look at comprehensive stats, and a lot more. You can also upload files via drag-and-drop actions, while quick links and right-click context menus will give you access to various features without needing to jump through different sections or to scroll up and down all of the time. As Hepsia is an all-in-one CP, you can also register and manage domain names, renew your hosting plan, add upgrades, etc., from one and the same place.
Hepsia CP with unlimited domains and no root access in VPS
Hepsia is one of the hosting Control Panel options which you can select for your new virtual private servers, irrespective of which OS you’d want to use. In this way, you can use a script app that may have particular requirements in relation to the Operating System, while you can still enjoy a user-friendly interface. You could also handle many things through SSH, like files and databases, even though the access shall be more restricted in comparison to a VPS with another Control Panel. We offer Hepsia with the virtual web servers with the notion to provide less experienced users the ability to use the power of a standalone web server for their Internet sites without having to worry that they won't be able to manage it. Due to the fact that Hepsia is the Control Panel provided with our shared hosting plans too, managing the VPS won't be different. Exactly like with the shared accounts, you shall also be able to get new domain names and to renew your VPS plan using the very same account.
Hepsia CP with unlimited domains and no root access in Dedicated Hosting
If you choose one of the Linux dedicated servers hosting packages that we offer, you will be able to opt for the Hepsia hosting CP coupled with Debian - one of the OS choices on the signup page. Considering that this is the same exact Control Panel that comes with our shared website hosting packages, you will be able to use the power of the dedicated web server and to handle everything as if you’re managing a common shared account. There's no limit on the number of domains you can include as hosted on the server and Hepsia will enable you to manage each of them effortlessly in one place through a user-friendly interface. Since you shall also be able to renew the plan and to view any support tickets that you’ve opened, you will never need to switch between various systems to perform a particular task. If required, you shall also be able to connect to the hosting server through SSH and to execute various operations with your files and databases, although the options you'll have will be more limited when compared with a server with a different Control Panel.